Communication and Organization Tools
/NET Vitals is a patient-physician communication tool created by LACNETS to help you track essential NET information
Carcinoid NETs Health Storylines, an app by Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, allows you to track symptoms, nutrition, moods, medication and more.
LivingWith is an app for storing information from doctor’s visits and for communicating with loved ones
Abridge is an app to record the conversation at medical appointments
Emergency Bracelets
- The Road-ID contains an access code to current medical records you have uploaded to the cloud. Emergency personnel can quickly access your medical records and respond appropriately
- Lauren’s Hope has decorative styles to be engraved with your emergency information
Lotsa Helping Hands is a tool to coordinate meals and organize other help
CaringBridge is a communication tool for connecting with the people who care about you and want to help