NET Boot Camp for Physicians and APPs
NET Boot Camp for Physicians and APPs
Because NETs are a rare disease, patients have a hard time finding doctors who are well-versed in their diagnosis. Physicians who have expertise in treating patients with NETs feel a responsibility to expand the number of physicians with knowledge of NET care, both to meet the demand of a growing patient population and to replace retiring doctors. Out of conversation and collaboration at the Healing NET Summit, Healing NET has developed a NET Boot Camp to reach MD’s and APP’s in various specialties with a best-practices overview of neuroendocrine cancer care.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, what was to have been an in-person training is converting to an online training.
Contact Margaret Bean, Senior Program Director at
The program is taught by experts in different disciplines so they can field questions from a wealth of experience. Healing NET is partnering with SynAptiv to offer CME credit to participants.