Healing NET recently offered two online continuing medical education programs in neuroendocrine cancer care at no cost to the learner. The faculty (below) are NET experts representing a range of specialties. These activities were jointly provided by Your CE Source and the Healing NET Foundation.
To be notified when Healing NET next offers continuing medical education in neuroendocrine cancer care, contact Margaret Bean, Healing NET’s Senior Program Director, by emailing margaretbean@thehealingnet.org.
Topics Covered
- Intro to Neuroendocrine Cancer
- Biomarkers
- Pathology
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology/Endoscopy
- Anatomic and Functional Imaging
- Medical Therapy
- Surgery
- Interventional Radiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- ASSESS disease using appropriate diagnostic and imaging tools to build a sound treatment plan
- UNDERSTAND the role of surgery and other local interventions to treat neuroendocrine neoplasms
- DISCERN when and how to use systemic therapy for these tumors
The half-day event was held on Saturday, October 16, 2021, for physicians and APPs who already have some experience with NET patients and provided up to 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. On the agenda:
- A multidisciplinary tumor board and a patient panel
- Breakout sessions with NET experts for more in-depth discussion of specific topics of interest to participants
Our outstanding faculty are experts in different disciplines and fielded questions from a wealth of experience.
Conversation with the Experts provides a deeper understanding of assessment and treatment in addition to helping participants:
- BUILD an effective multidisciplinary care team
- COLLABORATE with colleagues and patients to improve care
Eric Liu, MD, FACS, Surgery, Rocky Mountain
Cancer Centers
Laura H. Tang, MD, PhD, Pathology, Memorial Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center
Erik Mittra, MD, PhD, Nuclear Medicine,
Oregon Health & Science University
Joy Ardill, PhD, FRCPath, Clinical Science, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
Thomas O’Dorisio, MD, Endocrinology, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Daniel Halperin, MD, Medical Oncology, MD
Anderson Cancer Center
michelle Kim, mD, Phd, gastroenterology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
michael C. Soulen, MD, Interventional Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
nadine mallak, MD, Diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine, Oregon Health & Science University
Out of conversation and collaboration at the Healing NET Summit, Healing NET developed a NET Boot Camp to reach MDs and APPs in various specialties with a best-practices overview of neuroendocrine cancer care. Because NETs are a rare disease, patients have a hard time finding doctors who are well-versed in their diagnosis. Summit faculty identified a need to expand the number of physicians with knowledge of NET care, both to meet the demand of a growing patient population and to replace retiring doctors.
Thank you to the sponsors of NET Boot Camp:
Tom Annastas Scholarship opportunity for Healing NET Boot Camp Graduates
The Healing NET Foundation recently the established the Tom Annastas NET Education Scholarship, which allows all Healing NET Boot Camp graduates the opportunity to continue their education and connect with peers already invested in the research and practice of neuroendocrine care with a new or renewed membership to NANETS (North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society).
Annastas was past president of the Healing NET foundation, an advocate of cancer research and education and was instrumental in the creation and support of programs—like NET Boot Camp—designed to bridge gaps in neuroendocrine tumor education. The fund established in his memory will initially reimburse up to half of the NANETS membership fee for practitioners or residents in the upcoming year, with the hope of expanding the program to include travel grants or other mentorship opportunities. View the full press release here.