Healing NET Boot Camp Launch—Aultman Hospital, February 2020

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Thanks to the outstanding fACULTY (from L to R): Erik mittra, nuclear medicine at oregon health and sciences university; eric liu, surgeon At rocky mountain cancer centers; tom O’dorisio, endocrinology at University of Iowa; Dan Halperin, oncologist at MD Anderson.

Healing NET had the opportunity to teach the NET Boot Camp in February 2020 as a one-day program at Aultman Hospital in Canton, OH. The session at Aultman was mutually beneficial. From the participants:

  • "Very educational info. Enjoyed the spirit and interaction."
  • "Great discussion. Can’t say enough about how much I learned today."
  • "Grassroots, practical information for real-world practice!"

Healing NET learned that the patiet panel and tumor board really enhanced the learning. Participants appreciated what the patients shared and valued the interaction with and among the faculty.

Healing NET Medical director, erik Mittra, MD, PhD, welcomes participants.

Healing NET Medical director, erik Mittra, MD, PhD, welcomes participants.

One participant asked: “How did you find four such fantastic, understandable, humble, practical and entertaining august lecturers?”